Adri Williams you cookie company creator
We create work for previously unemployed women in South Africa, most of whom cannot read write or speak English, making them unemployable at other companies. We teach them to hand bake cookies in our FSSC (International food safety approved factory) in Cape Town, South Africa. What takes us 40 days to bake, takes a machine 1 day. For every 1000 cookies we sell per day we sustain / create a job, that job leads to 5-7 dependents who can have a meal that night. 
 YOUR purchase matters, it takes YOU (our secret ingredient)+US to truly impact Women Empowerment in South Africa (WE). Hence our slogan YOU+US=WE. Every cookie counts, every cookie sold means we can radically reduce unemployment
 and put food on tables in a dignified way in South Africa. We need YOU and YOUR purchases to help us create more jobs and put food on the tables.

We create work for previously unemployed women in South Africa, most of whom cannot read write or speak English, making them unemployable at other companies. We teach them to hand bake cookies in our FSSC (International food safety approved factory) in Cape Town, South Africa. What takes us 40 days to bake, takes a machine 1 day. For every 1000 cookies we sell per day we sustain / create a job, that job leads to 5-7 dependents who can have a meal that night. YOUR purchase matters, it takes YOU (our secret ingredient)+US to truly impact Women Empowerment in South Africa (WE). Hence our slogan YOU+US=WE. Every cookie counts, every cookie sold means we can radically reduce unemployment and put food on tables in a dignified way in South Africa.

you cookie company


The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do! I believe that in unity we can curb world hunger by giving people dignified jobs, to enable them to earn an income and take care of their families. I believe that a simple cookie can change the lives of over 14 million South Africans who go to bed without a meal every single day. I am passionate about making a lasting impact, and get involved in many outreaches where we do short term relief as well. This company however with the cookies we sell, are a long term solution to a huge problem we face with unemployment in South Africa.

– Adri Williams










Responsible Consumption Production


sustainable packaging

We create work for previously unemployed women, most of whom cannot read, write or speak English, making them unemployable by worldly standards. For every 1000 cookies we bake and sell per day, we sustain 1 job, which equates to 5 dependents having a meal on their table daily. For every additional 1000 we can bake per day, we employ another women. YOUR purchase counts! What takes us40 days to bake takes a machine just 1 day. In a country with nearly 14 million people going to bed without a meal daily, and unemployment rates of nearly 50%, this is how you can help us to make a lasting difference in a women’s life! whilst enjoying a delicious cookie, baked with our secret ingredient, LOVE!

Women Employed
0 +
Full tummies a day
0 +
Farmers assisted to keep their farms during drought of 2016-2019 in Northern Cape South Africa
0 +
Kids trained every week aged 5-17 in Netball
0 +

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